Updated: August 03, 2021

Data used in this analysis was retrieved from the South Florida Water Management District online environmental database (DBHYDRO). (Site list can be downloaded here (as .xlsx) :

Source Code

Study Area

Figure 1. Lake Okeechobee Water Body IDs (WBIDs) and monitoring locations sampled by the South Florida Water Management District.


Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll-a, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen (direct measure or calculated NOx + TKN) data data were retrieved from the South Florida Water Management District online environmental database (DBHYDRO) from monitoring locations (Fig 1) between May 1, 2000 and April 30, 2021. Data reported less than the minimum detection limit (MDL) where set to one-half the MDL. Annual geometric mean concentrations for all parameters and stations were calculated for stations and parameters with greater than or equal to four samples per water year and atleast one sample in the wet (May - October) and Dry (November - April). Annual geometric mean concentrations were averaged across water body identification (WBID) segments and evaluated relative to the numeric interpretations of narrative nutrient criteria presented below. For purposes of this analysis long-term is identified as a 3-year period.

62-302.531 FAC Numeric Interpretations of Narrative Nutrient Criteria.

Full details associated with the Numeric Interpretation of Narrative Nutrient Criteria can be found here.

62-302.531(2)(b)1 FAC

For lakes, the applicable numeric interpretations of the narrative nutrient criterion in paragraph 62-302.530(47)(b), F.A.C., for chlorophyll a are shown in the table below. The applicable interpretations for TN and TP will vary on an annual basis, depending on the availability of chlorophyll a data and the concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll a in the lake, as described below. The applicable numeric interpretations for TN, TP, and chlorophyll a shall not be exceeded more than once in any consecutive three year period.

Water Quality Evaluation

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .

Annual Geometric Mean concentration for Alkalinity, Color, Chlorophyll, Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen .


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