Updated March 06, 2021

Provisional Data – Results subject to change.

Refuge Monthly TP

Monthly total phosphorus geometric mean concentrations for the Refuge compared to calculated long-term levels.

Monthly total phosphorus geometric mean concentrations for the Refuge compared to calculated long-term levels.

Refuge total phosphorus compliance tracking.
Month-Year Geometric Mean
(μg L⁻¹)
(μg L⁻¹)
(Ft, NGVD29)
Feb-2021 4.7 7.5 17.02 14
Jan-2021 4.6 7.2 17.28 14
Dec-2020 5.6 7.2 17.39 14
Nov-2020 5.3 7.2 17.54 14
Oct-2020 6.4 7.2 17.45 14
Sep-2020 7.8 7.2 17.19 14
Aug-2020 6.8 9.3 16.57 14
Jul-2020 6.2 11.6 16.15 12
Jun-2020 7.9 11.2 16.20 12
May-2020 6.5 14.0 15.79 6
Apr-2020 8.2 11.1 16.21 11
Mar-2020 5.2 8.9 16.66 14
Feb-2020 5.8 8.7 16.73 14
Jan-2020 4.8 8.7 16.73 14
Dec-2019 5.2 9.2 16.59 14
Nov-2019 5.6 8.6 16.75 14
Oct-2019 6.7 9.8 16.46 13
Sep-2019 7.1 9.2 16.61 14
Aug-2019 7.1 9.3 16.58 14
Jul-2019 7.3 10.5 16.33 14
Jun-2019 8.6 12.2 16.04 9
May-2019 10.4 11.5 16.16 10
Apr-2019 7.4 11.0 16.24 12
Mar-2019 6.3 9.0 16.64 14
Feb-2019 9.1 9.1 16.62 14
Jan-2019 6.1 11.4 16.18 10
Dec-2018 6.0 10.4 16.36 11
Nov-2018 7.9 9.8 16.47 12
Oct-2018 6.2 9.4 16.55 14
Sep-2018 6.0 9.0 16.64 14
Aug-2018 7.0 10.8 16.27 12
Jul-2018 7.5 10.1 16.41 13
Jun-2018 7.4 8.8 16.69 14
May-2018 6.3 11.5 16.15 9
Apr-2018 9.2 12.4 16.01 9
Mar-2018 6.0 9.9 16.45 14
Key to units:
μg L⁻¹ - micrograms per liter;
Ft NGVD29 - Elevation in feet relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
* Highlighted row with bold and italitized text indicate when an excursion over the long-term limit has occured.
Average stage is calculated using stage elevations at stations 1-7, 1-8C and 1-9 for a given sampling date.

Water Quality Grab Samples

Individual monthly total phosphorus grab sample concentrations for monitoring locations within the Refuge.

Individual monthly total phosphorus grab sample concentrations for monitoring locations within the Refuge.

Hydrometeorological Data

**Top**: Daily Rainfall observed at LOXWX and WCA1ME. **Middle**: Total daily inflow volume to Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. **Bottom**: Daily average stage at stations 1-7, 1-8C and 1-9. Red dashed-lines indicate limits of long-term limit calculation.

Top: Daily Rainfall observed at LOXWX and WCA1ME. Middle: Total daily inflow volume to Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Bottom: Daily average stage at stations 1-7, 1-8C and 1-9. Red dashed-lines indicate limits of long-term limit calculation.