Updated March 06, 2021

Provisional Data – Results subject to change.

All calculations are based on “Method 1.5”

12-Month moving FWM and LTL

Moving 12-month flow-weighted mean concentration and Long-term limit.

Moving 12-month flow-weighted mean concentration and Long-term limit.

Shark River Slough Grab Total Phosphorus

S12s and S333 grab samples for the current Federal water year.

S12s and S333 grab samples for the current Federal water year.

S-12A and S-333 Total Phosphorous concentrations

Grab and autosampler total phosphorus concentration for S-12A and S-333 for the last two Federal water years.

Grab and autosampler total phosphorus concentration for S-12A and S-333 for the last two Federal water years.

S-333 TP Grab vs. Autosample

Grab vs. Autosampler (ADT) at S-333 for the current Federal water year.

Grab vs. Autosampler (ADT) at S-333 for the current Federal water year.

S-333 vs. S-333N

S333 vs S333N Total Phosphorus concentrations for the entire period of record.

S333 vs S333N Total Phosphorus concentrations for the entire period of record.

Hybrid boxplot comparison of grab samples between S333 and S333N

Hybrid boxplot comparison of grab samples between S333 and S333N

Federal WY2021 cumulative FWM (Method 1.5)

Cumulative long-term limit and flow-weighted mean TP concentration for WY 2021 .

Cumulative long-term limit and flow-weighted mean TP concentration for WY 2021 .

Fed WY 2021 Status Update (through 03/05/2021)

Shark River Slough Inflow

Daily total flow from S12s and S333 into Shark River Slough.

Daily total flow from S12s and S333 into Shark River Slough.

Cumulative flow

Cumulative flow of the current water year relative to the last three WY's

Cumulative flow of the current water year relative to the last three WY’s

Stage versus S-333 TP concentrations

Water Conservation Area-3A mean stage (CA-63, CA-64 and CA-65), S-333 HW state relative to grab and autosampler total phoshorus concentrations at S-333.

Water Conservation Area-3A mean stage (CA-63, CA-64 and CA-65), S-333 HW state relative to grab and autosampler total phoshorus concentrations at S-333.

Short Term Forecast

Daily total flow from S12s and S333 into Shark River Slough with a 60 day forecast based on a stepwise approximated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average.

Daily total flow from S12s and S333 into Shark River Slough with a 60 day forecast based on a stepwise approximated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average.

Cumulative flow of the current water year relative to the last WY with a 60 day forecast based on a stepwise approximated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average.

Cumulative flow of the current water year relative to the last WY with a 60 day forecast based on a stepwise approximated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average.

Cumulative long-term limit and flow-weighted mean TP concentration for WY 2021 with a 60 day forecasted long-term limit and 14-day flow-weighted mean TP concentration based on a stepwise approximated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average.

Cumulative long-term limit and flow-weighted mean TP concentration for WY 2021 with a 60 day forecasted long-term limit and 14-day flow-weighted mean TP concentration based on a stepwise approximated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average.